Artistry in Dentistry
Making Naturally Beautiful Smiles Everyday
Digital Smile Design
Digital Smile Design is a preliminary step to any major esthetic rehabilitation. This should be the first step, even before a diagnostic wax-up is performed. A series of specific photos are taken to allow for key measurements to be analyzed so that an appropriate smile design can be created with proper incisal length, width, contour, midline shift, correct of pre-existing horizontal cant, and facial and buccal positioning for lip support. We use the photos taken by the Dentist and modify them to have a visual picture for the patient to view of what we think the ideal smile would look like. This can be a significant time and money saving step by being able to communicate clearly with the patient early on in treatment creating a quicker way to get to a successful esthetic goal for you and your patient.

Original Photo

Original Photo with Line Representing New Incisal Length

Smile Design Photo

This Smile Design only changed the length and shape of the 4 Maxillary Incisors and bleaching of the Maxillary Arch.
Photos required for Smile Design

Full Face Photo with Patient at Full Smile - Take Photography in RAW mode

Profile View with Full Smile - This photo is extremely important so that we can evaluate lip position which will dictate how much we can add or reduce for proper lip positioning.

Profile View with No Smile and Relaxed Position -
After reviewing these photos you can see that this patient has adequate lip support which means a no-prep option will not be available as a treatment option.

Full Smile Close up

Cheeks Retracted Close up